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It's More Than Just A Beverage
Your Daily Nutrient Powerhouse To Fuel The Day!

Your Daily Nutrients With Plant Sterol

About Green Vivo

Welcome to Green Vivo, where your journey to optimal health begins. In a world where cardiovascular disease (CVD) stands as the leading cause of death and where four in every ten adults grapple with high cholesterol, we understand the paramount importance of proactive wellness. Developed by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, pharmacists, dietitians, and nutritionists, Green Vivo is crafted with precision and care. We recognize that the key to combating high cholesterol lies not just in addressing the problem but in offering a holistic solution. Our commitment is reflected in the meticulous selection of only the finest ingredients, precisely measured to the most effective therapeutic dose.

At Green Vivo, we're not just a beverage; we're your partner in nurturing a healthier, heart-strong lifestyle.

Protecting Your Heart Health

Examples of Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading causes of death in Malaysia


Coronary heart disease

Ischemic heart disease

Heart failure

Peripheral arterial disease

Aortic disease

The TOP 3 Chronic Illnesses


High Cholesterol


Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol are the major risk factors.
Other risk factors are poor diet quality (high saturated fat intake, low fibre intake), overweight or obesity, high body fat and visceral fat, physical inactivity/ lack of exercise, smoking/ alcohol.

Beware of High Cholesterol

Too much cholesterol in blood vessels will result in cholesterol deposits on the wall, causing cardiovascular disease. Malaysian have raised total cholesterol. 1 in 4 people were unaware they had raised total cholesterol.

血管中胆固醇过多,会导致胆固醇沉积在血管壁上,引发心血管疾病。4 in 10 / 40% 每10位有4位或40%大马人患有高总胆固醇。每4人有1人不知自己的总胆固醇升高了。

  • High cholesterol/ dyslipidemia
  • Total cholesterol >5.2mmol/L
  • HDL >1.0 mmol/L
  • LDL <2.6mmol/L
  • TG <1.7mmol/L
  • Sign & Symptoms for High Cholesterol

    Normally high cholesterol has no symptom but there are some signs if the cholesterol level are in the danger zone.

    Tendon xanthomata

    Swellings made from cholesterol on the knuckles of your hands, your knees or the Achilles tendon at the back of your ankle.


    Small, yellow lumps of cholesterol near the inner corner of your eye.

    Corneal arcus

    This is a pale white ring around the coloured part of your eye, your iris.

    Cholesterol Level Can Be Easily Manage

    Key to maintaining the blood cholesterol level and decreasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

    Health balanced diet

    (Malaysian Healthy Plate)

    Moderation of Unsaturated Fat

    Take enough fibre

    Exercise or be physically active

    Maintain healthy body weight/ BMI

    Take supplements

    (plant sterol 2g/day, fish oil, beta glucan, red yeast rice)

    Why Choose Us

    Green Vivo

    Plant sterol 2g/ serving

    Helps reduce/ lower blood cholesterol

    High in protein

    Protein helps build and repair body tissue/ protein is essential for growth and development/ Protein provides amino acids necessary for protein synthesis

    High in fibre

    Helps in digestion/ maintain healthy bowel movement

    High in calcium

    Aids in the development of strong bones and teeth

    Suitable for vegan

    Suitable for vegan (plant-based)

    Prebiotic (inulin)

    Inulin is a prebiotic / bifidogenic/ helps to increase intestinal bifidobacteria and maintain a good intestinal environment

    Nutritional Table

    Ingredients Lists

    Multigrains Powder (Sacha Inchi Powder, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Black Rice, Organic Millet, Organic Black Millet, Organic Green Millet, Organic Oat, Organic Wheat Germ, Organic Buckwheat, Organic Black Buckwheat, Barley, Calrose Rice, Organic Wheat Grains, Organic Red Brown Rice, Japanese Pearl Brown Rice, Oat Germ, Sorghum, Organic Calcium Rice, Glutinous Rice, Black Glutinous Rice, Organic Wild Purple Rice, Rice, Gorgon), Plant Sterol, Inulin, And Vitamins And Minerals Premix (Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, lodine, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc).

    Multigrains Powder (Sacha Inchi Powder, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Black Rice, Organic Millet, Organic Black Millet, Organic Green Millet, Organic Oat, Organic Wheat Germ, Organic Buckwheat, Organic Black Buckwheat, Barley, Calrose Rice, Organic Wheat Grains, Organic Red Brown Rice, Japanese Pearl Brown Rice, Oat Germ, Sorghum, Organic Calcium Rice, Glutinous Rice, Black Glutinous Rice, Organic Wild Purple Rice, Rice, Gorgon), Coffee Powder, Plant Sterol, Inulin, And Vitamins And Minerals Premix (Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, lodine, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc).

    Multigrains Powder (Sacha Inchi Powder, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Black Rice, Organic Millet, Organic Black Millet, Organic Green Millet, Organic Oat, Organic Wheat Germ, Organic Buckwheat, Organic Black Buckwheat, Barley, Calrose Rice, Organic Wheat Grains, Organic Red Brown Rice, Japanese Pearl Brown Rice, Oat Germ, Sorghum, Organic Calcium Rice, Glutinous Rice, Black Glutinous Rice, Organic Wild Purple Rice, Rice, Gorgon), Chocolate Powder, Plant Sterol, Inulin, And Vitamins And Minerals Premix (Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, lodine, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc).

    Nutrition Information UnitsPer 100gPer Serving (237ml)*

    View Full Nutritional List

    Three Type Of Flavours




    How to Make

    STEP 01

    Prepare a glass of luke warm water.

    STEP 02

    Add 1 sachet of greenvivo into the glass.

    STEP 03

    Stir well and your drink is ready to serve!

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